Of Counsels

Practice Areas:

Ari Marcelo Solon

Ari Marcelo Solon

+55 (11) 3178 3120

University of São Paulo Law School, 1983
Portuguese, proficiency in English, French, German and Hebrew
Competition Law, Commercial Defense Law, Industrial Property Law, Consumer Law, Administrative Law and Labor Law
Born in São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil.
Admitted to Bar with the OAB/SP under Nº 74.402.
LLM in Philosophy of Law – University of São Paulo Law School (1985).
Phd in Philosophy of Law – University of São Paulo Law School (1989).
Associate Professor of the University of São Paulo Law School and Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Law School
Authored the books “Dever Jurídico e Teoria Realista do Direito” (Juridical Duty and Realistic Theory of the Law) and “Teoria da Soberania como Problema da Norma Jurídica” (The Theory of the Sovereignty as a Problem of the Juridical Norm), and articles on “Differentiation on prices (possible defenses against the Law Robinson Pattman)”, “Legal Philosophy”, “General Theory of the Law”, “Theory of the State and Semiotics of Ancient Law Systems”.
Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Lawyers’ Association, Association of Jewish Law and Brazilian Institute of Philosophy.
Paula Maria Hashimoto Hirata

Paula Maria Hashimoto Hirata

+55 (11) 3178 3120

Mackenzie Presbyterian University Law School, 1997
Portuguese, fluente in English and French, Intermediate Spanish; Basic Japanese and Italian
Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Contracts and Establishment of Foreign Business in Brazil
Born in São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil.
Admitted to Bar with the OAB/SP under nº 161.733.
Member of the Brazilian Bar Association
Specialization in Tax Law - COGEAE-PUC (2001-2003)
LL.M Finance Law - IBMEC (2003-2004)
MBA in Corporate Management - FGV (2007-2008)
LL.M in International Law - Université de Montréal (2010 – 2013)
Law Certificate – Faculté de l’Éducation Permanente – Université de Montréal (2011-2013)
Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant
Suzi Hong

Suzi Hong

+55 (11) 99351-1919

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo Law School, 1998
Portuguese, fluente in English and Coreano
Mergers and Acquisitions, Compliance and Corporate Integrity, Technology and Innovation Contracts
Born in São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil.
Admitted to Bar with the OAB/SP under nº 166.074
CCEP - Certified Compliance & Ethics Professional by the Compliance Certification Board (San Diego, EUA, 2016)
Specialization in Mergers and Acquisitions in the IICS – Centro de Extensão Universitária (São Paulo, 2011)
Extension course in American Law from the George Washington University Law School e International Law Institute (Washington, D.C., EUA, 1994)
Member of the Brazilian Bar Association and of the SCCE – Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics.

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